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The Organisational Model 231: What it is, why it matters, and its connection to Whistleblowing Regulations
Whistleblowing in the spotlight: The European Investment Bank case
A comprehensive comparison of simple whistleblowing solutions: Email, forms, mail, or digital systems?
Protecting whistleblowers as a key element of implementing ESG principles 
Spain’s new Whistleblower Protection Authority: What you need to know
Best practices for building an effective team to investigate internal whistleblowing reports
Key factors to make your whistleblowing system work 
Poland’s whistleblowing deadline approaches: Ensuring compliance with Whistlelink 
Six tips for whistleblowers: Speaking up and protecting yourself
Whistlelink celebrates multiple new G2 Badges for Summer 2024: A mark of excellence
Safety in the skies: The urgent need for Whistleblower Protection in the aviation industry
Whistleblower reporting on Polish Labour Law violations
Are criminal sanctions the only thing organisations implementing a whistleblower protection system should fear? 
Poland approves Whistleblower Protection Legislation after a long wait and numerous drafts
The courage and impact of whistleblowers in healthcare: Brigitte Heinisch's landmark case  

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0046 (0)706 83 82 88


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Annelie Demred

0046 (0)706 83 82 88


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Our team is ready to answer your questions. Find the answer by visiting our support centre, or fill out the form below and we'll be in touch as soon as possible. Or simply give us a call!

Talk with Territory Manager
Annelie Demred

0046 (0)706 83 82 88